Nothing comes to mind but vague shadows and hazy impressions of memories.

...I can't
remember what I
was doing before
The most plausible explanation is that I've been abducted, possibly even drugged. Statistically, these situations don't usually end well, so I know I've got to find a way out of here as quickly as possible.
I peer out, hoping to orient myself with a familiar landmark.

too dark to
see anything

When did
I do that?
There's a door on the opposite side of the room which I hurry toward, trying not to dwell on the implications of my unusual appearance for now.
In these
types of situations,
composure is

The window in the door is covered in a thick layer of dust, making it impossible to see through.
How long
has it been since
anyone has bothered
to clean this
I try twisting the doorknob.

It's jammed...!

Alguien debio haberme encerrado aquí...
If I've
been abducted,
the person behind it
is most likely

Hello...? anyone
I hold my breath, straining my ears for any response.
But all I hear are the the flies swarming the moldy food on the desk.

Either no
one is here, or
they're deliberately
ignoring me.
It occurs to me to check my pockets.
I find a phone.

Se requiere su contraseña para habilitar FaceID
viernes 29 de septiembre

Código de acceso incorrecto
Sin señal
(Press to interact)
my phone...? Why can't
I remember the

No signal...
At least the flashlight
I can use it to
look around for a key
or a landline

the computer won’t
even turn on

...There might
be something useful
under all of this
I roll up my sleeves and fight the urge to gag as flies circle my head while I pick through piles of grimy paper, rotting food, rusty spray cans, and insect carcasses.
behind this certainly
knows how to get under
my skin...

...A great
deal of these
documents make reference to the "Pandora Institute."

I'm sure I've seen
that name before.

Thank you
for waiting,

were your mother's
personal belongings.

...That's it?
One box?

The person behind the counter wrung their hands and looked as though they wanted to say more... but could not.

I'm afraid
so, sir. I'm sorry
for your loss.


I saw it on
the side of that
there any connection
to what's happening
to me now?
...I need
to remember more specifics... what was inside the box?
Los detalles se desvanecen cuanto más me esfuerzo por recordar, como una piedra resbaladiza a la que no puedo agarrarme, y siento una sensación de vértigo que me invade.
Los detalles se desvanecen cuanto más me esfuerzo por recordar, como una piedra resbaladiza a la que no puedo agarrarme, y siento una sensación de vértigo que me invade.

Christ... I
feel dizzy.
Los detalles se desvanecen cuanto más me esfuerzo por recordar, como una piedra resbaladiza a la que no puedo agarrarme, y siento una sensación de vértigo que me invade.

the Pandora
symbol again...!
Los detalles se desvanecen cuanto más me esfuerzo por recordar, como una piedra resbaladiza a la que no puedo agarrarme, y siento una sensación de vértigo que me invade.