Hooking up the new cameras took all morning, even with all of this old equipment still lying around.
It turns out the Pandora building used to have a security system, but someone must have removed the cameras at some point—maybe before it was even converted into apartments. Strange.

I've just got
to calibrate the
motion alert app
on my phone...

I guess it's

The moment I see Kogan, there's a leap in my chest that's becoming all too familiar.
I don’t know who I was expecting when Cerberus gave me my special assignment to keep an eye on the property manager of the Pandora Apartments, but it wasn’t Kogan Mendez—all sharp angles with a prickly personality to match. He’s like broken glass, and I can’t help wanting to pick up the pieces. Because, of course that's my first impulse.

That's the problem with me: I get attached too easily and apparently lack basic self-preservation instincts. But I need to remember why I’m really here: Cerberus has secrets, and if they want me to keep tabs on Kogan, he might be the key to unlocking them. So here I am, watching and waiting until I've settled my karmic debt - but that's between me and the universe.

Kogan's head snaps up. His eyes meet mine through the screen and he scowls, almost like he could hear my thoughts.
The idea makes me feel guilty and ridiculous at the same time, but, then again, I’ve seen stranger things.
Kogan abruptly strides out of the frame and I redirect my attention to the next monitor, expecting to track Kogan on his way down the hallway.

But, instead of a hallway, I’m somehow looking into a hospital room. A tall, gaunt man sits motionless on a bed.
going on?
camera should be mounted in the hall outside apartment 204.

While I'm trying to figure out where this feed could be coming from, three more figures — doctors, it looks like — enter the room.

My curiosity gets the better of me, and I pull on my headphones. Static crackles in my ears along with tinny-sounding voices.

apologize for the delay,
Mr. L.

No need to apologize, Dr. Roberts, I don’t mind waiting.
gives me time to meditate.

I’ve brought Doctor Alain and Doctor Elliot to speak with you, as promised.
you please explain
to my colleagues what
you told me

I met
a faerie.

! ! !

A faerie,
you say?
was this?
A few
weeks ago.
And ever
since then, I've
been able to go
anywhere I like without taking a single step.
Are you talking
about meditation?
You go
places in
your mind?
No, Doctor.
My physical
body moves.
And you
say a faerie
taught you this

I didn't
learn it.

Have you
ever heard of the
Akashic Records,

...I can't
say that I
But I'd
like to hear
more about this faerie first.

what I'm trying
to explain,
The Akashic
Records is where all
the knowledge in the
universe is stored.
I once
gave a ride to a fellow
who told me that's where
Nikola Tesla said all the ideas for his inventions came from.
I drive
a cab, so I have
a lot of time to kill.
I thought, "Well! If
I can get to the Akashic Records, maybe I'll find an
idea to earn me a nice retirement."

I didn't
have any luck for
a long time, but then,
one night I start meditating
and I realize I'm
somewhere else...
was twisted and
inside out, it was
terrifying. And
There was a
presence there. And,
up ahead, something waiting.
It wasn't a cocoon, but that's probably the best way
I can describe it.
I asked
"Who's there?"
and immediately, I felt
the answer behind my
eyes: "Faerie".
The air tasted
like forbidden knowledge
as I approached.
I walked
a long time, but
never got any closer to
the cocoon.
My legs
were wore down
to stumps by the
time I took a
As I
was lying there,
resting, a parade of ants walked by me. They weren't ants, but I don't know what else to call them.
I watched
them carrying bloody
lumps of flesh toward
the cocoon.
And then
I saw one of them
had a toe - my toe!
That made
me angry. It was mine and they had no right to have it. So I snatched it up.
The bloodshot carapace stared up at me and suddenly, I felt ashamed. I tried to return the toe but the ant blinked onto my hand, and bit.

The itch
stayed with me
for weeks.
then I began
to see the
Well, not
doors. But I don't
know what else to
call them.
They take
me where I need
to go.
The doctors exchange grave looks. Dr. Roberts gestures to his colleagues, who pull out straps and what looks like a hospital gown or maybe a straight jacket from a nearby drawer.

If you
don't mind, we'd like to run some tests.


It's a
lovely night we're having.

I think
I'll visit the

The man disappears suddenly. I'd think it was a glitch in the video feed if not for the way the doctors gasp and look wildly around the room—
The door behind me bounces off the wall. I nearly jump out of my skin, half expecting the spindly man from the video to walk into the room.

That little
But it's just Wolf in another one of his moods. I glance back at the monitor, trying to make sense of what I just saw. The screen now shows only the hallway, as it should have all along.
Maybe it was
a recording from
the old system? The Pandora
building was a hospital

The hell's
got your panties in a twist, Wolf?
Who the
hell does he
think he is!?


That uppity
little shit flipped his lid and fired me
for no reason!
Liar. I remember watching the scene play out on the monitors earlier: Wolf, looming over Kogan, getting in his face. I'd seen enough to know who the real instigator was.
I consider sticking up for Kogan, but it might just put a bigger target on his back like what already happened with Wolf... I'd hoped that telling the security team about how scared Kogan was the other night might make them realize he could use some more support, but this group doesn't care much about feelings. My orders from Cerberus were to watch Kogan, but not necessarily defend him, and getting on Malcolm's bad side could jeopardize my own plans here.
Before I can decide what to do, Malcolm peels himself off the easy chair in the corner of the room with a disdainful snort.

If he thinks
he can bench my guys without clearing it with me first, he can think again.

I told him you'd put him in his place, Boss.

I will.
gotta remind that freak who calls the shots around here.
It was interesting to see things from Oliver's perspective. I figured he didn't tell the security team about the other night to make fun of Kogan. Unfortunately, people are assholes and take advantage of anything that can be used against someone.
It's not looking so good for Kogan with this Malcolm guy, I have a bad feeling he'll make Wolf look tame in comparison...
I think the patient is somehow related to creepy face monster in episode 3. Hmm
I've heard of the akashic records outside of this story but I never really knew what they meant, lol I just know I'm now gonna forever associate it with this
Oooo not the lovely night line again what was that about??
“Could jeopardize my own plans here,” “karmic debt” ???
Oliver has history no doubt, and I bet it’s important to the plot. So he presumably did something negative in the past (or is currently doing it) and because of this he has his own goal/s separate from Cerberus’s plans. Unclear what “side” he is on despite his friendly demeanor
So Malcolm calls the shots in Kogan's own building? Was the Cerberus team hired, or something more sinister?
Also, the deja vu from the hospital scene makes me think his taste of forbidden knowledge didn't do him much good. A lovely night; the Faerie; the bugs and the itch; it really makes you wonder!
And what is Oliver's karmic debt? What did he do? he at least seems like a reasonable individual. I loved getting to see a bit of his perspective and the security team this chapter!
Seeing that all too familiar phrase tells me that hospital patient definitely didn’t escape the Faerie 😬
Also Oliver…. buddy…. Kogan did NOT see your warning to the team in the way you wanted :)
Love getting Oliver's perspective. Also, there's a typo "...might make them realize he could some more support." Think there's a "use" missing 🤗
Hey Oliver what’s this karmic debt you speak of? 🎤🎤🎤
"I felt the answer behind my eyes." ...that's gonna stick with me. Whoo. Simultaneously fascinated and chilled to have had a glimpse into the Faerie's domain. I hate it. (but also I love it) Insects and an itch, huh...those sound familiar. I dread to think what they're bringing those bits of flesh to.
Seems Oliver has demons of his own. Suppose you probably don't end up in a place like this without them. How ominous that he's been assigned to be Kogan's watchdog - that Cerberus is already keeping such close tabs on him really doesn't bode well. Lucky for Kogan that, unlike the rest of the security team, Oliver seems a reasonable individual.
(And that Oliver's taken a shine to him, aha. Nice poetic description, Oliver.)